Tenaska is developing a carbon capture and storage (CCS) project that would serve emissions customers in Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. As proposed, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from these facilities would be captured and transported to geologically secure underground storage locations in the Tri-State area. 

CCS projects like this help businesses address growing environmental regulations and remain stable regional employers, while also bringing economic benefits to the community.

Our team looks forward to working with area leaders, landowners and community members to create a CCS project that is safe and mutually beneficial.

Phases of a CCS Project


Pre-Development (3-5 years)

Acquire land for injection well sites and perform preliminary land studies — Tenaska is currently in this phase


Development (1 year)

Perform engineering and environmental studies, obtain necessary permits, secure emissions customers


Construction (1 year)

Hire contractors, drill injection wells, connect pipeline from storage area to emissions customers


Operation (30+ years)

Monitor storage site 24/7


Long-Term Storage

Plug and monitor injection wells for a period of time specified by the EPA

Carbon Capture and Storage 101

Over 35 years of experience

Going Above and Beyond

Tenaska strives to be a good and respon­sible neighbor in communities where our projects are located. We cultivate long-term, mutually beneficial relation­ships with local leaders and residents built on respect, value and trust. 
A key component of that is an open dialogue. That’s why we want to hear from you. Comments? Questions? Use our contact form to let us know what’s on your mind.

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