The Tri-State CCS Hub is being developed by Tenaska, one of the largest private, independent energy companies in the United States. Tenaska’s expertise spans natural gas and electric power marketing, energy management, development and acquisition of energy assets, and operation of generating facilities. Over the last 35 years, the company has earned a reputation for developing responsible energy solutions and adapting our proven skill sets to meet new market demands.
Learn more about Tenaska here.
The Tri-State CCS Hub is pleased to announce its participation in a CarbonSAFE Phase III project awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM). Coordination with DOE is now underway, and this funding of up to $69 million ($55.2 million in funding and $13.8 million in cost share) over three years will support the characterization and permitting efforts to develop a carbon capture and storage (CCS) hub in the tri-state region.
This award brings together a diverse project team that includes Tenaska and Southern States Energy Board, along with grant participants Projeo, Ohio State University, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey and West Virginia University. ERM and Sargent & Lundy will participate as vendors.
As envisioned, the Tri-State CCS Hub would help manufacturers, industrial producers and power generating facilities meet increasing environmental requirements and climate goals in a cost-effective, responsible manner. This allows these businesses to remain stable employers and taxpayers in the region. At the same time, CCS projects like this bring economic benefits to the community during construction and operation.