This is a typical injection well site. The above-ground infrastructure for a CCS project is a
few well sites strategically sited across the footprint.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS), also known as carbon capture and sequestration, helps manufacturers, industrial producers and generating facilities meet environmental requirements in a cost-effective, responsible manner. CCS captures carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by these plants before they enter the atmosphere. The captured CO2 is liquified, transported and permanently stored deep underground beneath a thick layer of impermeable caprock. The CO2 then naturally mineralizes and dissolves over time.

CCS is a safe and environmentally responsible solution for businesses facing growing emissions regulations. At the same time, it provides economic benefits to landowners and communities.

Safety is Our Priority

At Tenaska, our commitment to safety starts in the control room, on the plant site and well before any daily task is considered. Our projects incorporate safe engineering design, employee awareness and ongoing training to build records for safety that are among the best in the industry.

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