Transforming West Virginia’s Economy: The Tri-State CCS Hub Advantage
June 30, 2024
As champions for our state’s dedicated farmers and agricultural sustainability, the West Virginia Farm Bureau recognizes the importance of embracing innovative solutions that protect our environment while supporting economic growth. The Tri-State CCS Hub project, led by American energy company Tenaska, embodies this spirit of economic growth, promising transformative benefits for West Virginia and beyond.
Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is a proven technology designed to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial processes, such as power generation and manufacturing, and store them securely underground. This process aids regional businesses in meeting environmental regulations and climate mandates, allowing these facilities to remain stable regional employers and taxpayers.
Strategically located in the heart of Appalachia, the Tri-State CCS Hub will transport captured CO2 from different industrial sources across the intersection of Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, including power plants and manufacturing facilities, for storage deep, deep underground. The West Virginia portion of the project – dubbed Tri-State Redbud – is proposed for Brooke, Hancock and Marshall counties.
Key Components of the Project:
- Capture Technology: State-of-the-art carbon capture technology will efficiently secure CO2 at the source before it enters the atmosphere.
- Storage Site: Deep underground storage, verified by comprehensive geological studies, guarantees the safety and integrity of CO2 sequestration.
- Transportation Infrastructure: A small network of pipelines will safely transport CO2 to a secure site, ensuring seamless and cost-effective transportation.
The Tri-State CCS Hub will create jobs, attract clean energy investments and position West Virginia as a top destination for employers seeking innovative solutions to help them comply with federal requirements.
In addition to its environmental benefits, the Tri- State CCS Hub presents a unique opportunity for Transforming West Virginia’s Economy: The Tri-State CCS Hub Advantage West Virginia Farm Bureau News 13 farmers to diversify their income streams with little to no disruption to their above-ground operations. By joining the project, farmers can enjoy a passive income while continuing their agricultural activities without interference.
A CCS project like this can coexist with existing oil and gas production in the region, demonstrating a harmonious approach to energy development that supports economic growth. This collaboration underscores the project’s commitment to supporting rural communities and fostering sustainable practices across various industries.
Overall, the Tri-State CCS Hub in West Virginia is estimated to have significant economic benefits for the state. A third-party economic benefits study estimates the key economic benefits of the project would include:
- Across the entire three-state footprint, an estimated economic impact of nearly $1.1 billion over three years of construction, with nearly $250 million of that in West Virginia
- The average annual employment impact during the construction period is estimated to be 372 workers
- The total labor income generated by construction activity in West Virginia is estimated to be over $75 million
- Construction activities in West Virginia are estimated to support nearly $17 million in state and local tax revenue over the three-year period
- Across the entire three-state footprint, an estimated economic impact of more than $22 million over each year of operations, with approximately $6.3 million of that in West Virginia
- The Tri-State CCS Hub will support over 14 jobs in West Virginia annually, including one job directly supported at the CCS facilities and an additional 13 jobs in related industries
- The proposed CCS well sites in West Virginia will support a total of $1 million in employee compensation
- The proposed CCS well sites in West Virginia support just over $438,000 in tax revenue annually to the state government and local governments within the state
For more information, please visit the project website at https://tristateccs.com/ or visit Tri-State CCS Hub’s West Virginia office:
210 Three Springs Drive
Suite #2
Weirton, WV 26062
Office Hours: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Thursdays or by appointment
Local Representative: Ben Keeler
Email: community@tristateccs.com
Phone: 330-934-4155